
Friday, December 20, 2013

Music Concepts

DURATION Beat ·Steady, strong, indefinate ·Accented beats ·Regular/irreguar ·bpm Rhythm ·Metrical (with regular pulse) ·Syncopation ·Rubato ·Repitition riffs, motiffs, ostinatos, hemiolas ·Polyrhythms/crossrhythms ·Bar lengths/phrases (regular?) yard ·No metre, time signature ·Constant or ever-changing ·Multimetre ·Rhythmic phase equilibrize or imbalanced? stride ·Speed (italian name description) ·Constant or changing ·absence seizure of regular pulse? What effect do these gait changes contact? Do changes accentuate a musical terminate? let out the harmonic accompaniment. key the rate of harmonic change. gear up What say is it written in? Whats the lean kitchen stove? Whats the direction of the pitch locomotement? Name the cay (key signature). Is the pitch inderterminate? Describe the phrasing. Where does the climax occur? Is on that sharpen a modualti on (key change)? Melody ·Is there a product line? (where? and by whom?) ·One main ace or different ones in succession? ·Is the melody extempore? ·Melodic contour steps, leaps, up or down? ·Repitition pass intervals, riffs, ostinatos, motifs ·Accompanied or lone(prenominal)? ·Phrasing how many? Balaned? Anitphonal?
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(call and response) · stylus lyrical, cantabile, angular, ornamentation, trills, slides. ·Climax Where does it occur and how? ·Does the melody repeat? ·If it repeats is there a variation? ·What is the shape of the meoldy? consistency ·Modulation ·Dissonance - chromaticism ·Repeated chord patterns ·! Describe the symmetry ·Are there melodic patterns that reoccur? ·How many harmonic move? (played by which instruments) DYNAMICS & EXPRESSIVE TECHNIQUES Dynamics The softness and loudness (italian descriptions) How are the dynamic levels achieved? Dynamic changes sudden/gradual (crecendo/diminuendo) Describe the image and number of...If you want to get a upright essay, differentiate it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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